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Tuesday Tunes

Hey guys! Hope you had a glorious Memorial Day weekend! Here are some tracks to get you through your Tuesday - at least we skipped Monday right? Oh and the pools are open, always a plus. Summer has officially begun.

PS. how did you spend your Memorial Day weekend? 


Ciroc Week 2014

Last week, in honor of Ciroc Week, I co-hosted a fashion blogger happy hour at New Town Kitchen & Bar along with Tammy of A Loyal Love, Liz of So Much to Smile About and Ashley of So. Much. Fun.

All images provided by Moki Media

Thanks again to Moki Media for having me as a host, love you guys!

Check out this quick video of the event by Alex Acosta

Oh..and I'm obviously sharing my outfit with you guys. Lately, my style has been very much comfy chic.


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